Thursday, January 21, 2010

she flies through the air with the greatest of ease

*warning* Grandmothers and those who are faint of heart may not want to view the following pictures. It seems Gracie and her daddy enjoy polishing up on their acrobatic skills in anticipation of the circus that will be coming to town next month...

"Kung-Fu Gracie Shu"

Don't say I didn't warn ya -
This little daredevil has made
this Mama's heart skip a few beats many times.
We love our little bundle of bravery!!!


  1. Oh my stars, those pictures totally made my day!!! Poo poo on safety, that there is some serious fun!!! What a great daddy!

  2. Fred - good to see you guys! I recently saw a picture of you guys sitting with Bruce Loomis (of all people) and tried to see if I could find you--and ouala! Here you are! You have a lovely family--although the old guy is looking old!
    Let's catch up sometime!
    Eric Sipe
    PS - have you practiced piano lately :-)

  3. That is awesome! I love it! And the Kung Fu comment was right on!!!
