Friday evening we had the privilege
of once again serving at a
Steven Curtis Chapman concert
for the ministry of Show Hope.
We will forever be grateful to the
Chapman family and Show Hope
for their part in bringing Gracie home.
The grant we received was a blessing
we were humbled to receive, so chances
like this, to give back to this ministry
are such a treasure!
I know where I am as a mom right now
is "my place" in God's plan for me,
but I have to say when we are around
those with a huge heart for the orphan,
my heart beats at an incredibly passionate pace.
The best part?...We as a family are all
experiencing this passionate heart beat -
For adoption and China as well.
We can't wait to see what God has for our future.
We were able to spend a good part of the
evening with the Chapman's daughter-in-law.
The humility of the family and their focus
of giving a voice to the "least of these"
is incredible. They are also so gracefully
"stewarding" (as Mary Beth put it)
their testimony of walking through grief
and clinging to Hope in Jesus.
God's hand is clearly on all of them
as they share their talents and story.
Last summer they were able to officially
(named in memory of their beautiful daughter)
located in the Henan province of China.
This is a home dedicated to special needs
orphans, and is a beautiful facility filled
with love and the presence of Jesus.
The little ones there are not only well cared for,
but are also receiving medical care needed to
make them eligible for adoption!
Geoff Moore (musician & adoptive dad)
shared that the government of China has
recognized the work being done there,
and has asked the ministry of Show Hope
to take over the special needs floor of every
state run orphanage in that province...
the favor of God
He went on the share that if a family
is able to visit the orphanage in China where
their child was kept, the special needs
floor is usually off limits.
That was our Gracie.
Thank you God.
The packets that were being distributed
have a picture on the front of a child who
had been adopted with the help of a
Show Hope grant. As we were setting
up, Ali said "There's_____!"
(a friend from school who was adopted
from China when she was 12!)
To add to that "coincidence", her friend
ended up coming to the concert!
She was able to meet the Chapman family,
& they were all blown away by God's
fingerprints all over this encounter!
so cool!
Would you prayerfully consider
with this amazing ministry?
Gracie's new "fwiend"
(At one point, they had a crowd gathered
as they were dancing away in the lobby
to the background music of Caleb Chapman!)
The girls w/ Julia

Ali had the honor of going back with her friend to meet Steven!