Friday, June 29, 2012

happy gotcha day Gracie!!

three years ago today
(CANNOT believe that!)
we held our Gracie for
the first time.
thank You Father
for our beautiful, happy girl!

happy gotcha day Gracie Jia Shu!!!


  1. Oh my, how times does fly!!

    What a lovely little lady Miss Gracie is becoming.

    Tell her it's time to stop growing now. Enough is enough!

    On a different note:
    Let's meet for coffee to discuss our arranged marriages. I informed my big boys last night I would be choosing their wives. They didn't say a word. Which to me, is the green light to get going on it. Yes??

  2. LOVE LOVE LOVE that little niece of mine!!!!!! what a wonderful gift she is.

  3. Yay!! Happy Gotcha Day Weekend Woodards!!! Such a memorable those Gotcha Days!
